We've released several free VBA addons for Dynamics GP ( click to email & email on customer maintenance addons). We've had several people ask us to show them how to install a VBA addon that modifies a screen or report. Here are the steps:
#1-Login to GP as SA.
#2-Click on Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Customize > Customization Maintenance and import the package file we provided.
#3- Now we need to tell GP to use the modified version of the form. To do that:
Click MS Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > Alternate Modified Forms and Reports.
Now you will see the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports window. Select the ID, then set Product to "Microsoft Dynamics GP", type to "Windows" and then in the list check that you want to use the alternate window as show. Click "Save" and you should be done.
#4 - Now you should be able to open the modified window and it should be the new one.
Note: If the VBA code includes a "shell command" you may need to do one last thing. If when you open the window you get the below error, just delete the "()" at the bottom of the code, click "Save" and continue.
If you need any additional help we are glad to help at our very reasonable consulting rates.
Thanks for using our free Dynamics GP add ons!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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Do you have to be logged in as 'sa' to apply a VBA package? If not, I would like to know the minimum permissions for applying a package.
Trying to install Dynamics GP VBA addon. Received error messages: "Unable to open customization dictionary" and "Resource 'LC_GoTo' is missing". We were already using the earlier code that added the email to the front of the customer card.
Yes, you will need to login as SA.
Using our earlier addon shouldn't be a problem. This one will overwrite the old one.
I believe the file may have been corrupted somehow. How about download it and save to hardrive then run from there?
If it just doesn't work we can schedule a ticket to do it for you.
I just got this error, too.
"Unable to open customization dictionary"and "Resource 'LC_GoTo' is missing".
The machine that I attempted to install from has the email field, but it is not populated. Tried on another machine and the same thing happened.
The email field is there but not populated...
BTW - The error mentioned above also occurred while attempting to install the "Free Dynamics GP Addon - Enhances Customer Maintenance Window"
Error Solved:
1. All clients must be logged out of GP.
2. Only sa can be logged in and the install must be applied at each client separately.
Does this VBA Addon require Modifier or Customization Site license?
No customization site license required.
Does this work with GP 2010?
I'm getting the error "VBA cannot be initialized..."
Can you update this for GP 2010? Much appreciated.
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Landscaping small houses
Landscaping small houses
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شركة تنسيق الحدائق بجازان هي شركة متخصصة في الخدمات الزراعية بانواعها , فهي تقوم بتصميم الحدائق بكافة أشكالها وأحجامها سواء كانت حدائق عامة او منزلية ، وتقدم الشركة خدمات الصيانة للحدائق كما تقدم الشركة كل الوسائل التي تصب في صالح العميل حيث توفر لة اجو انواع العشب الصناعي والطبيعي باسعار تنافسية , كما توفر الشركة جميع انواع الشتلات والزهور والاشجار , وتقوم الشركة افضل تنسيق للحدائق بجازان عن طريق توفير افضل مهندسي تنسيق الحدائق بالمملكة حيث يمتلكون الخبره الكافية في مجال تصميم وتنسيق الحدائق المنزلية والعامة , وتوفير عمال مدربين علي كافه الخدمات الزراعية , كما تقدم الشركة اقل تكلفة تنسيق حدائق عن طريق الخبرة في المجال , شركة تنسيق حدائق جازان تبذل قصاري جهدها لتقديم كل سبل الراحة للعميل . للمزيد.........فضل شركات تنسيق الحدائق المنزليه ,تعرف علي افضل طرق تنسيق وتصميم الحدائق والاسعار
شركة تنسيق حدائق الرياض , تصميم النوافير والشلالات , توريد العشب الصناعي
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Landscaping small houses
One of the finest and best essential things is the presence of a place around the house to be a home garden, where home gardens are the best places to spend beautiful times inside, especially you have a distinctive design of your home garden and filled with green color trees and flowers that soothe the atmosphere and purify the environmental pollution, and your neighborhood fountain industrial Or a waterfall designed in a new way, no doubt you feel that you are another world, on the other hand attractive home garden that gives a distinctive shape of the house and a beautiful place to receive guests as the front of the house is the first impression of who lives inside, and on the other hand home garden place Security for B Your children away from the crowded places and full of pollution, it should be the design of your home garden in a good way and a distinctive coordination in terms of choosing the types of plants and forms, because of the most important things are the coordination of gardens aware and study and not random, it is possible that your home garden area is small and good design and coordination Its overall appearance is large, and quite the opposite random design if the home garden space is large to the maximum degree of wrong design and coordination the overall appearance is not good,
Last but not least, home gardens are a cornerstone and not a recreational pillar of the house to spend all the wonderful family sessions, and receive visitors.
We are a landscaping company in Riyadh specializing in the design and coordination of home gardens in the best ways of landscaping and providing all seedlings, trees and artificial and natural grass,
For more.....افضل شركات تنسيق الحدائق المنزليه ,تعرف علي افضل طرق تنسيق وتصميم الحدائق والاسعار
شركة تنسيق حدائق الرياض , تصميم النوافير والشلالات , توريد العشب الصناعي
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